Sunday, November 1, 2009

Half Semester of Fall Update

I am in the middle of a busy yet productive Fall Semester. It astounds me that half of it has already passed. I have yet to complete it and take my education to the next level in the forthcoming year.

It is the beginning of November and I would like to wish all HIM professionals a Happy Health Information & Technology (HI & T) Week (Novemeber 1-7)! We have worked so hard that we indeed do deserve a week of recognition. Let us make our profession better known!

In light of that, my classmates and I in the Cypress College Directed Practice class are celebrating HI & T Week by promoting the Personal Health Record (PHR) on campus. The PHR is great tool for exposing non-HIM professionals to this industry and to possibly get them interested in getting involved in our field by making the decision to educate themselves in HIM and explore the many career opportunities it offers.

In the meantime, I will be visiting different non-acute facilities and completing given tasks in order to get valuable experience as well as consider what kinds of career paths in these settings I can take with my Associate's Degree and RHIT credential. Thus far, I have listened to a guest speaker, who is a Long Term Care Consultant and I will be scheduled to shadow a consultant in a Long Term Care Facility. I have recently visited Kaiser Orange County Medical Offices in Anaheim, California to see how they run their HIM Department and I will be working there for a day completing given tasks.

In the midst of productive work, it is enjoyable for me to take account of what I have done thus far in this blog. It is always a pleasure of mine to reflect on where I stand at this moment and where I will go in my educational and career path.

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