Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Accomplishment Story #1: "A Minor Task Goes A Long Way"

Not only will this blog be dedicated to my account of my career transition, but it will be filled with past and future "Accomplishment Stories". These are the blog posts that have the "happy endings". Through the challenges of my career, I manage to overcome them with an arsenal of critical thinking, proactiveness, and in some cases teamwork. This Accomplishment Story is an example.

The need was that one of the Inpatient coders needed to code a medical record that was delivered that morning to the Research Institute of my facility. It was the last day to submit coded information for this particular record in order to receive Medicare reimbursement.

What I did (myself) was to let the coder know that the chart was sent to the Research Institute and I explained to her that the Research Institute is currently reviewing it. I offered to call the Research Institute and explained about the situation. I also offered to walk to the Research Institute Building while the coder was working on other medical records that she had to code for that day. One of the employees of the Research Institute allowed me to retrieve it from them and told her that when the coder finishes her review she will call them to tell them that the medical record is available for review. Eventually, the coder called the Research Institute once she coded the record so that they can also accomplish their work.

The positive and tangible result that my actions produced was: helping the coder to generate revenue from the medical record that she needed to review. If I did not retrieve the record, my facility would not get the appropriate Medicare reimbursement, which usually runs in the thousands of dollars.

The skills that I have demonstrated in this Accomplishment Story are: problem-solving, team-building, communication, and follow-through.

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